Guardian Light Mystic Center

“We are here to help you, your relatives and friends, – either near or far. Distance is no barrier for your spiritual treatment and deliverance. Many people around the globe affirm that our spiritual catalogue (including the great books and spiritual materials that are in it) have been of incredible help and assistance to those with great ambition, burning desires and overpowering fears. The spiritual arts and sciences are undoubtedly old with the wisdom of ages but Guardian Light Mystic Center™ reaffirms and teaches the ancient secret for the everlasting benefit of mankind.

If you are on life’s ebb, you can be sure of our help in order to win success or obtain your hearts desires. Seek the onward and upward road to success and happiness to greater accomplishment and full enjoyment of life. Banish boredom and frustration with knowledge and true power that comes from divine enlightenment.

GLMC™ is leading you to the premodial light within you. The history of spiritualism recedes from views back into the ages of antiquity and the spirit communication constitutes one long unbroken chain stretching from the most modern times. Great masterminds also show that there has been no time in any ages when it has ever ceased to exist, and that the many legions altered opinions and the rise and fall of governments and dynasties have never succeeded in driving out of the soul of man, – the inherent desire to communicate with the inhabitants of the spirit world, and have no more succeeded in obliterating spirit manifestation and communication from the books of human destiny… We are non-religious organisation whose spiritual concept is deeply rooted in the communication with God without any religious intermediary but within one’s soul which is the living temple of the Holy Spirit.”

{Founder & World Spiritual Leader Of “Guardian Light Mystic Center™”}